The MetVed-model provides air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from residential wood burning at high-resolution. MetVed combines downscaling with bottom-up principles to derive a wood burning potential for a grid based on the housing type, size and available heating technologies, building energy demand and outdoor temperature of each grid. The model builds on the combination of several databases with information at a high level of detail. The databases contain information on the dwelling number and type at 250 meters resolution, energy consumption statistics, fireplace and stove locations as point sources, and geo-localised information about dwellings, the type they belong to and the available technology for residential heating. The different datasets are combined and the dependencies between the different variables are analysed. The time variation of emissions is based on the heating degree day concept combined with time variation from consumer statistics and has a vertical distribution of emissions based on the wood consumption in apartment buildings versus other houses. MetVed contains a specific module to estimate wood burning emissions from cabins. In this case, we distinguish between cabins mainly active in summer (coastal) versus whole-year cabins (alpine). The cabin classification is done based on data regarding the distance to the coast, altitude, the distance to city centres and the annual average ambient temperature of the cabin location. Emissions and their time variation are estimated based on cabin occupancy and heating demand from wood. These parameters are estimated based on the combination of holiday calendar per year, heating degree day and the cabin usage, which is established based on excess traffic associated with free days and holidays.

Main Contact person
Susana Lopez-Aparicio (
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Code: GitHub
Visualization of results:
Grythe H., Lopez-Aparicio, S., Vogt, M., Vo, Thanh D., Hak, C., Halse, A. K., Hamer, P., Sousa Santos, G. (2019). The MetVed model: Development and evaluation of emissions from residential wood combustion at high spatio-temporal resolution in Norway. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 10217-10237.
Grythe H., Lopez-Aparicio S. (2020) MetVed v.2.0. Improvement and update of the MetVed emission model for residential wood combustion. NILU Report 19/2020.